The ITA is a professional association by and for trustees who serve with the highest standards of ethics and best practices. Members of ITA aim to unite members of this profession; those who serve independently in all fiduciary roles, those who serve as a trustee for their family, and professionals involved in estate planning and trust administration at every level. As an organization, we help independent trustees form alliances with others in the profession in order to better serve their clients.
Independent Trustee Alliance Professional Association of Non-Corporate Trustees
Find a Professional
Are you seeking a professional to serve as a trustee, executor or agent in your estate planning documents now or in the future? Looking for a professional that works well with independent trustees? Here is a great way to get started in your search. When in doubt as to what type of trustee you are looking for, just select “Trustee” to get started.

Membership with ITA
The ITA is a professional association founded by Independent (non-corporate) Trustees serving families and family offices. ITA members are dedicated to providing support and continuing education for members of this rising profession and welcome those who are serving as a trustee for their family and those professionals involved in estate planning who seek alliances with others to better serve their clients.